Bulk File Editor

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Modify multiple files at once


Bulk File Editor is a lightweight and user-friendly software that allows you to use script files to easily modify multiple documents.

  • Batch editing Absolutely, there is no uploading in EdiKer. It runs entirely within your web browser, using the many capabilities that modern browsers now have built-in. Choose hundreds or even thousands of photos or at once through any web browser, then directly edit without installing extra software. You'll experience a faster processing.
  • Optimal for batch editing. Quite easy to use. Designed for automation. Plenty of image.

Oct 15, 2013 Batch Editor is a small, lightweight and yet powerful tool for editing Batch scripts. It comes with Syntax highlighting and even has some extras, like allowing you to change the font colour and background colour. As you'd expect, you can. See full list on nirsoft.net. Rimworld on xbox.

All you have to do is launch the software, choose the files you want to modify, and select / create the script file you want to use. The application also allows you to test the control files you create. Furthermore, Bulk File Editor does not change the original files.

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Bulk File Editor 1.0.11

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runs on:
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
file size:
104 KB
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WOOBE allows to create custom extensions which should be placed in folder: wp-content/woobe_ext

Here are some existed native extensions for example:

Extension functionality can be presented in tabs: top tabs and basic tabs, or without any tabs, as 'calculator' for example.

Bulk File Properties Editor

Let's consider the most simple extension as Info:

  • Its folder has name 'info'
  • Inside folder 'info' should be: info.php, views/panel.php, js/info.js, css/info.css and can be also folder img if its necessary
  • info.php has PHP class inside as WOOBE_INFO which extends class WOOBE_EXT
  • in class WOOBE_INFO should be defined protected variable $slug with value 'info'
  • in the constructor of class WOOBE_INFO should be defined next code to create tabs:
    slug,='' array($this,='' 'woobe_ext_panel'),=''>

    To create tabs in the top slider (where is filter,bulk,export) the code should be:
    slug,='' array($this,='' 'woobe_ext_panel'),=''>

    Look closer to the code to see the difference: panel -> top_panel; woobe_ext_panel_ -> woobe_ext_top_panel_
  • If we need to use any js and css in the our extension write function woobe_ext_scripts:
    slug,='' $this->get_ext_link()='' .='' 'assets/js/'='' .='' $this->slug='' .='' '.js');='' wp_enqueue_style('woobe_ext_'='' .='' $this->slug,='' $this->get_ext_link()='' .='' 'assets/css/'='' .='' $this->slug='' .='' '.css');='' gt;='' <script>='' lang.<?php='' echo='' $this->slug='' gt;='{};' lang.<?php='' echo='' $this->slug='' gt;.example='<?php _e(' text='' example',='' 'woocommerce-bulk-editor')='' gt;';='' </script>='' <?php=''>
    </span></div><div><span>lang</span><span>.</span><span><</span><span>?</span><span>php </span><span>echo</span><span>$</span><span>this</span>-<span>></span><span>slug</span><span>?</span><span>></span><span>.</span><span>example</span>=<span>'<?php _e('Text example', 'woocommerce-bulk-editor') ?>'</span><span>;</span></div><div><span><?php</span></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br> This code will include styles for our extension and future js actions</li><li>Function <em>woobe_ext_panel</em> will show any forms we need to see in our application. Of course it will show HTML code which you will write in file <em>views/panel.php</em>, for example any popups there</li><li>So now we have the most simple application which is possible to create. To write your logic you need to see code of extensions which you can download on this page as examples or see native extensions of WOOBE in folder <em>wp-contentpluginswoocommerce-bulk-editorext</em></li><li><span><strong>ATTENTION</strong></span>: for external extensions should be defined protected variable <strong>$is</strong> with value '<span><em>external</em></span>'<br></li></ul><h3>Some actions:</h3><ul><li><strong>woobe_adv_panel_buttons_end</strong> - will add any html on the end of tools panel in the Products Editor tabs, see example in extension '<em>bulk</em>'</li><li><strong>woobe_adv_panel_buttons</strong> - will add any html on the beginning of tools panel in the Products Editor tabs, see example in extension '<em>bulk</em>'</li><li><strong>woobe_page_end</strong> - with this hook you can render any additional html elements you need for your application, see as example extension calculator</li><li><strong>woobe_before_update_page_field</strong> - hook which can be executed before products field update: <em>models/products.php</em></li><li><strong>woobe_after_update_page_field</strong> - hook which can be executed after products field update: <em>models/products.php<br></em><br><div><div><textarea readonly='>add_action(' woobe_after_update_page_field',='' function($product_id,='' $product,='' $field_key,='' $value,='' $field_type)='' {='' do='' smth=''></textarea></div><div><table><tbody><tr><td><div>2</div></td><td><div><div><span>add_action</span><span>(</span><span>'woobe_after_update_page_field'</span><span>,</span><span>function</span><span>(</span><span>$product_id</span><span>,</span><span>$product</span><span>,</span><span>$field_key</span><span>,</span><span>$value</span><span>,</span><span>$field_type</span><span>)</span><span>{</span></div><div><span>}</span><span>)</span><span>;</span></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></li><li><strong>woobe_bulk_started</strong> - hook before bulk editing started: <em>extbulkbulk.php</em></li><li><strong>woobe_bulk_going</strong> - hook while bulk editing going: <em>extbulkbulk.php</em></li><li><strong>woobe_bulk_finished</strong> - hook after bulk editing done: <em>extbulkbulk.php</em></li></ul><h3>Bulk File Changer Safe</h3><h3>Some variables:</h3><h3>File Management</h3><ul><li><strong>woobe_checked_products</strong> - (<em>js</em>) ids of the selected products in the Products Editor</li><li><strong>woobe_bind_editing</strong> - (<em>js</em>) is bind editing enabled</li><li><strong>woobe_show_variations</strong> - (<em>js</em>) is variations shown</li><li><strong>woobe_adv_panel_full_width</strong> - (<em>js</em>) is full width activated</li><li><strong>global $WOOBE</strong> - (<em>php</em>) global plugin main variable you can use</li></ul><br><br><br><br>
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